Durango Hotel Shuttle

Airport Express offers the lowest rates between select Durango Hotels and the Durango La Plata County Airport

Our Hotel Shuttle rates are priced lower than any taxi, Lyft or uber in Durango. Our Hotel Shuttle is by far the most reliable option in Southwest Colorado. For immediate next day service call 970 769-0933. For rides on future days fill out the form below and wait for your confirmation email. Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply.

Please fill out a reservation form completely.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Number of Passengers

    Flight Number

    Arrival Day and Time

    Check Bags

    Destination Hotel

    Your Message

    Protocol for Airport Arrivals

    Passengers are greeted just outside of the hotel lobby or near the only door in the baggage claim area. If your plane is delayed we return to the airport at our soonest availability. Look for the black vehicles out in front of the airport.


    Airport baggage restrictions are usually equal to our own. Please list any checked baggage in the message section of the form. If baggage is misrepresented or does not fit, additional charges may apply. Skis and snowboards are never a problem.

    Service Area

    The Airport Express Hotel Shuttle operates in partnership with Durango’s finest hotels.

    Protocol for Departures from DRO

    The airlines request you arrive 90 minutes before your flight. Our dispatcher will help you decide what time you need to be picked up.

    Our Chauffeurs Are Punctual

    Our drivers are prompt. We require the exact arrival flight time for airport pick ups. We allow up to 30 minutes for passengers to claim their baggage. Your driver may accept incoming calls while driving. If you do not want your driver to accept phone calls at any point during your charter, you must request private hourly service at the time you arrange your charter.


    Basic car service passengers will ride in any of our vehicles. Look for a black car, van, or SUV marked with PUC LL-01317. Airport Express Hotel Shuttle is operated by Buck Horn Limousine, Co.

    Bad Weather

    In the case of bad weather, we try our best to accommodate all of our passengers. We must prioritize departures over arrivals. Our Hotel Shuttle fleet is the most equipped to travel in bad weather. We have never shut down due to winter storms.


    Leaving a voice-mail or last minute e-mail is not an accepted form of canceling a reservation. There is no charge for cancellations due to extreme weather. We do charge full fare price for Passenger “no-shows”. See our cancellation policy for more information.

    Why is our Airport Shuttle so affordable?

    This is a hotel shuttle. Invoicing is not available at these rates. If you need invoicing services, a private ride, or will require the driver to wait for you please see our Formal Airport or Business Travel. Our Hotel Shuttle service requires that the passengers be ready at the curb at the agreed upon reservation time.

    We cannot always accommodate changes in your itinerary if they interfere with other pre-arranged reservations. Directing a driver to change route, wait for more than 15 minutes or wait for you for an unspecified amount of time will change your level of service to “hourly-as-directed” which bills at hourly rates.

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